
Data protection

Information on Data Protection Regarding the Registration for the VPH conference on 04-06 September 2024 in Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart

1. Information regarding data collection

Information on the controller and the data protection officer can be found in the university's privacy policy.

Processed data categories

Apart from the data we visibly collect during the abstract submission an registration process, we take photos during the event.

Purpose of data processing and possible consequences of failure to provide personal data

Personal data are processed in order to carry out and confirm your registration for the event and to organize and conduct the event, including any directly related follow-up work. The form records the data you enter in a database in a structured manner. The date and time are also recorded in the database. Personal data is needed for the submission and evaluation of abstracts, implementation and confirmation of registration and general organization of the event (including catering).

Data marked as mandatory are required in order to conclude a contract. The abstract submission, registration for and participation in the event are not possible without the mandatory data.

In case of respective consent: list of names and contact data of the participants that is given to the participants (hereinafter referred to as “list of participants”), information about events on similar topics (hereinafter referred to as “invitations”). Refusing to give consent does not have any negative consequences.

Photos of the event are used for information about the event on the website of the university of Stuttgart and in press releases.

In accordance with relevant legal regulations, we can take the following photos without your consent and use them for public relations work:


Depicting public figures with an influence on VPH community 

Community where people only appear as accessories next to landscapes or other sites

Showing assemblies, parades or similar events and the nature of the respective event which the persons depicted took part in

For all other photos, you will be asked for consent individually. Refusing to give consent does not have any negative consequences


2. Legal basis

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 3 GDPR in conjunction with Section 4 of the State Data Protection Act.


3. Recipients

Of all registration data: The University of Stuttgart has engaged company Informatik Forum Stuttgart to carry out and complete the registration. This includes assisting participants in case of problems or questions during the registration or questions regarding the event.

In case of questions regarding data protection, please contact the University of Stuttgart directly.

Of all Abstract procedure data: The University of Stuttgart has engaged company ConfTool GmBH to carry out and complete the registration. This includes assisting participants in case of problems or questions during the registration or questions regarding the event.

In case of questions regarding data protection, please contact the University of Stuttgart directly.

Of your first name and last name and e-mail address: finance department of the university of Stuttgart for the purpose of balancing catering invoices, internal university members responsible for the organization of the VPH conference event, members of Informatik Forum Stuttgart and members of ConfTool GmbH who are in charge of the abstract procedure of VPH

Of photos: worldwide users of online and print media.

Furthermore, legal regulations regarding archiving must be observed.


4. Duration of storage

As a rule, data are deleted when the event is concluded and any directly related follow-up work has been completed (approximately one to two months after the last day of the event).

This does not include your first name and last name as they are needed to balance invoices (registration, catering) and therefore stored for ten years according to financial regulations.

Furthermore, this does not include your first name and last name and e-mail address if you gave consent during the registration to receive information about events on similar topics. In this case, data are erased if you withdraw your consent or if an e-mail cannot be delivered permanently.

Documents may be transferred to the respective university archive and are usually stored indefinitely.


5. Consequences of non-disclosure, possibility of objection or removal

Abstract submission, registration and thus participation in the event cannot be completed without mandatory information.

These electronic forms, linked to the website, is the easiest way to submit and register. However, it is voluntary.

Alternatively, guests can also submit and register by post, until the given deadlines, by completing this form, printing it out and sending it by post to:

University of Stuttgart


Pfaffenwaldring 5a

70569 Stuttgart


6. Your rights

Information about your rights can be found in the university's privacy policy.

The supervisory authority in Baden-Württemberg is the commissioner for data pro-tection and freedom of information of Baden-Württemberg (Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg).


Additional information

I Cookies

As a rule, only session cookies are used. These will automatically be deleted after the end of your session.

II. Information on your right to object according to Art. 21 paragraph 1 GDPR

On grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the pro-cessing of your personal data according to Art. 6 paragraph 1(e) GDPR (data processing in the public interest) at any time.

Data protection

Information on Data Protection Regarding the Registration for the VPH conference on 04-06 September 2024 in Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart

1. Information regarding data collection

Information on the controller and the data protection officer can be found in the university's privacy policy.

Processed data categories

Apart from the data we visibly collect during the abstract submission an registration process, we take photos during the event.

Purpose of data processing and possible consequences of failure to provide personal data

Personal data are processed in order to carry out and confirm your registration for the event and to organize and conduct the event, including any directly related follow-up work. The form records the data you enter in a database in a structured manner. The date and time are also recorded in the database. Personal data is needed for the submission and evaluation of abstracts, implementation and confirmation of registration and general organization of the event (including catering).

Data marked as mandatory are required in order to conclude a contract. The abstract submission, registration for and participation in the event are not possible without the mandatory data.

In case of respective consent: list of names and contact data of the participants that is given to the participants (hereinafter referred to as “list of participants”), information about events on similar topics (hereinafter referred to as “invitations”). Refusing to give consent does not have any negative consequences.

Photos of the event are used for information about the event on the website of the university of Stuttgart and in press releases.

In accordance with relevant legal regulations, we can take the following photos without your consent and use them for public relations work:


Depicting public figures with an influence on VPH community 

Community where people only appear as accessories next to landscapes or other sites

Showing assemblies, parades or similar events and the nature of the respective event which the persons depicted took part in

For all other photos, you will be asked for consent individually. Refusing to give consent does not have any negative consequences


2. Legal basis

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 3 GDPR in conjunction with Section 4 of the State Data Protection Act.


3. Recipients

Of all registration data: The University of Stuttgart has engaged company Informatik Forum Stuttgart to carry out and complete the registration. This includes assisting participants in case of problems or questions during the registration or questions regarding the event.

In case of questions regarding data protection, please contact the University of Stuttgart directly.

Of all Abstract procedure data: The University of Stuttgart has engaged company ConfTool GmBH to carry out and complete the registration. This includes assisting participants in case of problems or questions during the registration or questions regarding the event.

In case of questions regarding data protection, please contact the University of Stuttgart directly.

Of your first name and last name and e-mail address: finance department of the university of Stuttgart for the purpose of balancing catering invoices, internal university members responsible for the organization of the VPH conference event, members of Informatik Forum Stuttgart and members of ConfTool GmbH who are in charge of the abstract procedure of VPH

Of photos: worldwide users of online and print media.

Furthermore, legal regulations regarding archiving must be observed.


4. Duration of storage

As a rule, data are deleted when the event is concluded and any directly related follow-up work has been completed (approximately one to two months after the last day of the event).

This does not include your first name and last name as they are needed to balance invoices (registration, catering) and therefore stored for ten years according to financial regulations.

Furthermore, this does not include your first name and last name and e-mail address if you gave consent during the registration to receive information about events on similar topics. In this case, data are erased if you withdraw your consent or if an e-mail cannot be delivered permanently.

Documents may be transferred to the respective university archive and are usually stored indefinitely.


5. Consequences of non-disclosure, possibility of objection or removal

Abstract submission, registration and thus participation in the event cannot be completed without mandatory information.

These electronic forms, linked to the website, is the easiest way to submit and register. However, it is voluntary.

Alternatively, guests can also submit and register by post, until the given deadlines, by completing this form, printing it out and sending it by post to:

University of Stuttgart


Pfaffenwaldring 5a

70569 Stuttgart


6. Your rights

Information about your rights can be found in the university's privacy policy.

The supervisory authority in Baden-Württemberg is the commissioner for data pro-tection and freedom of information of Baden-Württemberg (Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg).


Additional information

I Cookies

As a rule, only session cookies are used. These will automatically be deleted after the end of your session.

II. Information on your right to object according to Art. 21 paragraph 1 GDPR

On grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the pro-cessing of your personal data according to Art. 6 paragraph 1(e) GDPR (data processing in the public interest) at any time.